Friday, February 28, 2014


We want to thank all of our family, friends, and acquaintances for taking an interest in our lives, and for asking some really good questions. We think good questions deserve good explanations. These weeks we are posting the top 10 questions you are asking and our responses. Feel free to message us questions you may have. They may just make the top 10 :)


Ready to get your prayer on? We are so glad some of you are asking us!! In some ways it would be easier to simply blog the highlights and happy stories that people want to read, but it would be superficial if we did not also be vulnerable with you and let you in on some of things we need your prayers on. We are only kidding ourselves if we assume we can be on this adoption and ministry journey on our own strength. We truly appreciate your prayer support and hope you recognize the blessings God pours out on you as you partner with us in prayer. 


King Solomon was onto something when he pleaded with God for wisdom... "But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties. Your servant is here among the people you have chosen, a great people, too numerous to count or number. So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?” 

We are not political leaders, like Solomon, but we are called to bring leadership and movement within the Canadian Church for the cause of waiting children and adoptive/fostering families. This. is. not. humanly. possible. without the guidance and wisdom from God. We need it, and we would love it if you interceded on our behalf as we plan, meet, research, advocate, speak and bring direction to the forming non-profit.


We can certainly agree with the Psalmist (23) that "the Lord is our Shepherd, (we) shall not want." We have it good. We eat. We are relatively warm in this frigid weather (-34C to be exact). We have a roof over our heads. We are surrounded by a supportive community of friends and family. By global standards, we are filthy rich.

By asking your prayers for provisions, we don't simply mean prayer for our bank account and a guilt-ridden hint to pass the hat around. If our vision was for ourselves, we're good. But the vision God gave us extends way beyond ourselves and our personal capacity. There would be no way that we could take strides forward if not for the provisions of God along the way. So far so good, and God has proven himself to be the faithful God he says he is. But we continue to seek prayers of faith that He would continue to orchestrate the details so that we would not be stalled from growing forward. 

Currently our ministry is on a $0 operational budget in it's infancy, personal support aside (=one salary). Money is probably the easiest aspect for the Church to join in on, but underlying this, we pray for God to provide churches and leaders with a common vision for what God has placed on our hearts. We pray that we would be faith driven and that God would provide for all the details to get there; things like praying specifically for provisions to travel within Canada, to provide educational resources to various areas we are working in, to provide basic administrative gaps in the process, to provide favor over legal processes and buy-in of key influencers; and the provision of good family care and education options as we seek to balance ministry and family life. 


Please pray God's physical protection over our family as we find ourselves on the road travelling within province and beyond, in relation to our work. Travel for us is not about "oooh, a holiday" but a necessary part of forming a national network ministry.  This Spring, travels to BC, SK, and Chicago will find our Honda Odyssey rolling through many a highway as we continue meet, form, equip and be equipped in various destinations. If you have been following our posts, you will have read about our travel adventures last summer and the vehicle miracle we witnessed (see post "Oh Deer!"). Much of our travels include the family, others do not, as the kids stay with extended family and attend school. We value your ongoing prayers for protection.

Also, we value your prayers for spiritual protection over our family. I have personally experienced increased spiritual warfare as we step on enemy territory and become more proactive in addressing adoption and foster care within the Church. It truly is not against flesh and blood. I feel like we are moving from defense position to offense position as the vision God has given us runs in direct opposition to the enemy. Pray that we would be acutely aware of the unseen and be equipped and supported in this battle for justice, Truth, and Church awakening and mobilization in this ministry. I should hope the enemy trembles with waiting children finding homes and the Church being awakened to God, but we'd appreciate prayers as the enemy likes to take target practice at the messengers.


Pray for us as a family, for our marriage (of almost 9 years strong), and each of our children (Isinino 21, Kehlen 5, Mikhala 3). 

Isinino will be graduating from high school this June! Pray for continued direction and that her heart would continue to seek after and discern the heart of God. Pray that God would raise her up to be a leading defender of the oppressed and compassionate advocate for Truth and justice. 

Kehlen is in Kindergarten and continues to ask theological questions of a seminary student. Pray that God would honour his seeking heart and make choices that would keep God central in his life. Pray that God would raise him up to be a God-fearing leader of wisdom and a compassionate helper among the weak. 

Mikhala is our free-spirited toddler and has just begun to expose her little, but mighty, mind to us. Pray that she would freely desire to know God more and that God would raise her up to be a bold and creative leader of mercy and faith.


We are in the "hurry up and wait" mode these days. We are on the registry for a local sibling adoption from within the foster-care system, although we have no idea how quickly or slowly this process could take. One of the biggest factors may in fact be our request to go out of birth order in the adoption (meaning, we would desire to adopt siblings between Kehlen and Isinino's age, which typically they do not approve in our province but it IS being discussed on a provincial level now to see this changed!) Pray that the province would be more progressive in their adoption practices to bring more waiting children into homes.

Pray also for wisdom, as we are also open to looking internationally but need a sense of direction for what country and program to connect with in the process. Adoption laws and political stability of our country and foreign countries is always in flux, not to mention all the ethical considerations to keep informed on. We need wisdom, provision ($$), and favor to get through the red tape, hoops, and will of those in authority of our adoption process.


This may be one of those blogs you choose to click print and physically post in a place you can be reminded to pray for on a regular basis. We would love to hear from you, if in prayer God gives you words, visions, pictures or impressions in the process of intercession. If God stirs something within you, let us know so we can pray with you as well. You can email us at 

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