Friday, January 31, 2014


We want to thank all of our family, friends, and acquaintances for taking an interest in our lives, and for asking some really good questions. We think good questions deserve good explanations. Over the next few weeks we will be posting the top 10 questions you are asking and our responses. Feel free to message us questions you may have. They may just make the top 10 :)

1) What exactly are you doing?
Good question. In 2013 we left perfectly lovely employment in both our dream fields of work with people we loved, but to do what?! Well, sometimes its not so much about job fulfillment that should guide us as is it is about willingly laying what we love and are comfortable with on the alter. We honestly have no regrets but only relieved that we did not escape the journey we were invited by God to go on. So what are we doing?

First of all, we are parenting our 3 kids. We are privileged to have the flexibility of juggling our roles around the kids routines and we take turns in parenting and our other work responsibilities. While we have school and church routines, we are blessed to make our ministry somewhat of a family ordeal. They come with us on trips and have been able to meet many of the people we work with. After all, we are promoting thriving families, so we also need to figure out how to do this without sacrificing our own. And sometimes it means one on one dates with the kids trumps other opportunities.

We are pioneering a new ministry that has yet to be launched. It's hard to explain things that cannot be seen yet in full. Just like a baby takes months to form in utero, this "baby" is going through a much needed process of healthy development. It's a...        We have no titles yet, no name of the organization yet, no defined job descriptions yet, no glossy brochure yet, nor impressive website or display to wow you. What we do know is that God has gone before us and is leading us into creating a national Christian network for churches, families and organizations to be networked and supported in the area of adoption, foster care, and other forms of caring for the unparented. How did this come about? Well, it's been a process, but clearly something we were thrust into. It may drive those wired for routine and predictability crazy, but it works well for us. But then again we are crazy ;-o

So day to day...

Harold is heavily invested in research and developing practical tools related to his doctoral work around parenting and attachment in adoption. He is getting training, resources, and professional connections and certifications to practically be able to equip others in building thriving forever families. Later this year, he plans to offer guided support groups for parents desiring support, as part of a pilot in his doctoral program.

I am focusing on leadership of the new ministry network being developed, strategic planning, and networking. We have been blessed to work closely with Focus on the Family Canada, ABBA Canada, CAFO (Christian Alliance for Orphans USA) and others, as we work together in developing this ministry. Because starting a non-profit ministry involves more than simply setting up shop, we are giving time and opportunity to form solid strategic relationships across Canada, USA, and other parts of the world. My office can be found at home in pajama's, at Tim Horton's, the Library, at a friend's office or where ever "Mommy!" is not on demand :).

Most of our work at this stage is done from in our home, at our computers with Skype, and occasional face to face opportunities meeting with others. This has been a great blessing for our family life, albeit a new challenge to balance work and play. We have been saying yes to speaking in churches, teaching a course on the subject, and meeting with leaders both within churches and those in government. A highlight is also simply connecting with parents and families who have so much insight and passion to see supports developed. We do this both face to face and over the internet.

While this answer seems somewhat vague, ambiguity is lifting each step of the way and we actually experience increased clarity in the day to day process of working towards the vision that God has planted within us. Harold stated it well to me yesterday when he described our ministry as not an aimless mystery that has swayed us from here to there, but thankfully looking back over 2013, we can clearly see that we are on a trajectory like an arrow that God is keeping on course. Please pray for us, that we would not get in the way of what God is doing but understand how we are to prioritize and plan our days.